Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Assiniboine Park fireworks

I tried to get into Assiniboine Park to see the Canada Day fireworks, but the crowds were just too much. I gave up and headed for home, but along the way, decided to try Westview Park. WP is an old garbage dump, turned into a park, and also Winnipeg's highest point.

I found a good vantage point on the hill, and was able to watch both the fireworks display at Assiniboine Park, and also the display at the Forks.

My photos were mostly an experiment, under slightly adverse conditions. I got the settings more or less right after a few shots, and I'm reasonably pleased with how most of them came out (many others will never be seen again). I need a remote shutter release for these kind of shots, though.

I have some other shots posted here:

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